फार्मूलरी: Maths - Geometry - Cylinder



  • r: Radius
  • h: Height
  • A: Area
  • M: Curved Surface Area
  • V: Volume
Layer 1hrV

Volume of a Cylinder

\( {\color{blue} {V}} = \pi \times {{\color{red} {r} }}^{{2}} \times {\color{Orange} {h}} \)
V = Volume
r = Radius
h = Height

Layer 1hrM

Curved Surface Area of a Cylinder

\( {\color{OliveGreen} {M}} = {2} \times \pi \times {\color{red} {r} } \times {\color{Orange} {h} } \)
M = Curved Surface Area
r = Radius
h = Height

Layer 1hrA

Area of a Cylinder

\( {\color{OliveGreen} {A}} = {2} \times \pi \times {\color{red} {r}} \times \left( {\color{red} {r}} + {\color{Orange} {h} } \right) \)
A = Area
r = Radius
r = Radius
h = Height