
There is an n by n square with n^2 unit squares. How many ways can we put numbers from 1 to n^2 on the grid such that the numbers from left to right and top to bottom go from least to greatest?


What if the grid is a n by n by n Cube? 

 Jan 16, 2019

lets take a smaller case. 1x1 would only have 1 case.


now for 2x2. 1 and 4 must go in the corners, and 2 and 3 can be alternated 2 ways.


now for 3x3. 1 and 9 go in the corners, and then 8 and 7 border the 9, and 2 and 3 border the 1. now you can arrange the 4, 5, and 6 any way you wish, which makes 3! * 2 * 2 ways, or 24.


for 4x4, apply the same logic, and then you will have a diagonal, and two small diagonals. 4, 5, and 6 go in the top diagonal, 13, 12, 11 go in the bottom one, and the rest go in the middle, for 4!*3!*3!*2!*2!, or 3456. 


you can now see that it  is 1! for 1x1, then 2! for 2x2, then 3!*2!*2! for 3x3, and then 4!*3!*3!*2!*2!. so, if you had a nxn square, then n+1xn+1 square would be (n+1)!*(n!)*(n!)*(n-1)!*....3!*2!*2!*1!*1!, so for nxn square, it would be n!*((n-1)!)^2*((n-2)!)^2*...(3!)^2*(2!)^2*(1!)^2.


i may be wrong, i probably am, but somebody PLEASE check my work.


as for n by n by n, i am comepletely confuzzled O.O



 Jan 16, 2019

First Answer is correct (:


Second answer is just like the first, except you are not adding 1, but it goes from


1, to 3 to 6, to 10....


That should give a pretty good hint (:




TwentyFour  Jan 16, 2019

This answer is incorrect.

HelloWorld  Jan 16, 2019

I GOT THE FIRST ONE?!!?!?!??!!??!!!

wow im so happy

also 1 3 6 10 is triangular numbers

 Jan 16, 2019

Yup! You should be able to do this pretty quickly now (:

TwentyFour  Jan 16, 2019

wait what does the 1 3 6 10 mean is it the exponents or is it just n!*(n-1)!*(n-2)!*...?

 Jan 16, 2019

We still have 1!*2!*3! and so forth, but this time we have triangular numbers, so it would start off like 1!*3!*6!*10!........ and so forth.

TwentyFour  Jan 16, 2019

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i see so if you were in 4th dimension, LOLOL it would be nc3!*... 

 Jan 16, 2019

Perfect for the introduction of the 3rd part of the problem.


What happens if you are in the mth dimension?



TwentyFour  Jan 16, 2019

wait but if you got so low, then in n choose m, n could be lower

 Jan 16, 2019

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