

 Jan 25, 2018

YZ  is formed by the angle marked by one red line.

JG  is formed by the angle marked by no red lines.

So we cannot say that YZ = JG .


XY is formed by the angle marked by two red lines.

JH  is formed by the angle marked by one red line.

So we cannot say that  XY = JH


∠Y is marked by no red lines.

∠J  is marked by two red lines.

So we cannot say that ∠Y = ∠J


∠Y is marked by no red lines.

∠H is marked by no red lines.

So ∠Y = ∠H

 Jan 25, 2018

These triangles are not only congruent they are drawn to look congruent!

If you look at the pics you can discard 3 of the answers without even knowing any rules.

Then again, do you know what congruent means?

If not then google it!!

 Jan 25, 2018

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