
Hello Everyone, I have answers to these questions I just want to make sure that my answers are correct. I just learned this material today, so I just want to be sure my answers are correct. There are two graph-like questions. Thanks much.


A sinusoidal function that begins at negative eight comma negative seven and increases to negative five comma one and decreases until reaching a low point of negative two comma negative seven. The graph then increases until it reaches a high point of two comma one. The graph then decreases until it reaches a low point of five comma negative seven. The graph then increases until it reaches a high point of eight comma one.

What is the equation of the midline of the sinusoidal function?

My answer= -3 Am I right?


A sinusoidal function that begins at negative ten comma zero and increases to a high point of negative nine comma six. The graph then decreases until reaching a low point of negative seven point five comma negative four. The graph then increases to a high point of negative six comma six and decreases until reaching a low point of negative four comma negative four. The graph then increases until reaching a high point of negative two point five comma six. The graph then decreases until reaching a low point of one comma negative four. The graph then increases until it reaches a high point of one comma six. The graph then decreases until reaching a low point of 2.5 comma negative four. The graph then increases until it reaches a high point of four comma six. The graph then decreases until reaching a low point of six comma negative four. The graph then increases until it reaches a high point of seven point five comma six. The graph then decreases until reaching a low point of nine comma negative four.

What is the amplitude of the sinusoidal function?

My answer- 4 Am I right?

 Jan 25, 2018
edited by Guest  Jan 25, 2018


The maximum  y  value is  1  and the minumum  y  value is  -7


The equation of the midline is   y  =  (1 + -7)/2   =   -6/2   =  -3


The equation of the midline is  y  =  -3



The maximum  y  value is  6   and the minimum  y  value is  -4 .


The amplitude is   (6 - -4)/2   =   10/2   =   5         smiley

 Jan 26, 2018

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