7x[1+(12+33)/9] =
7x[1+5] =
7x[6] =
Checketh thou point totals on the question under scrutiny, again, Fair Lady !!!
It appearest that MINE hath increased without bound.........while THINE have suffered a most frightful decline....
Let us calculate another "probability"........
Question: What is the probability that, of N forum members, one steals another's idea and makes it his/her own ???
P.S. ......it's more than 50%....and we don't even need 23 people, either ......!!!
Your calculator is "overflowing" because you used exponents!!
Try multiplying 26*26*26..........
....And the probability that Melody got this answer off the internet =
[(10000)(1/2)] %
The second one looks good....remember that the answer is to the nearest 10m.....
Curses!!!......$*#%$........Foiled, again!!
Could be......I just made my best guess........Personally, if this person were in the top 92% of their own class, I would have thought that they could figure this out for themselves......
aplicar ley de los senos
"Apply Law of Sines"
OK....to what??
Aceptar, para qué?
I guess you're saying that your class size is 600 - and you're in the top 10%. (I don't see that the "500" has anything to do with it unless your class size fluctuated between 500 and 600 people....which doesn't make any sense to me.....)
.9221 * 600 = about 533
Put another way, you're the (600-533) = 67th "best" person in your class.....whatever "best" means (academically, maybe??........)