It may be easier to look at a graph and go through it....piece by you can get he "feel" of's the graph of y = -2 + 3cos1/2(x-100)
First... the (x - 100) in the function shifts the "normal" cosine graph to the right by 100 you see that?? Thus, intstead of the graph beginning at 0 degrees - as the normal cosine graph would - ours starts at 100 degrees !!!
Next the "-2" out in front of the function shifts the normal cosine graph "down" by 2 units.....thus, our graph should have a beginning y value of "-1"..however, this is slightly offset by the next thing in the function......
The "3"......this is the amplitude of the graph. This tells us how high the "peaks" are and how "low" the"valleys" are. At 280 degrees, our graph is where the cosine = 0. And the y value at that point = -2. So the amplitude is 3, because the beginning value on our graph has a y value of "1." And that is the highest point on our graph!! A "low" point pf "-5" occurs at 460 degees. Again, this is three units "down" from the y value at 280 degrees. Notice, that, the beginning y value would be "3", but the "-2" "drags" the beginning y value "down" to 1 !!
Now....the next thing in the function....the "1/2" tells us how many periods there are in 2pi (or, 360 degrees). A fraction less than 1 - but greater than 0 - "stretches" the normal cosine graph out like a "Slinky." Thus, one period on our graph is not 360 degrees, but is instead 720 degrees!! The "quarter points" on our graph occur at 280 dgrees, 460 degrees, 640 degrees and at 820 degrees.
I hope I haven't confused you too's an excellent website that goes into more detail than I can provide's pretty easy to understand.....
Hope this helped you some !!!