
यूजर का नामGingerAle
सवाल 4
जवाब 740


Well. If a high-level of skill in BS is a requirement to attend your academy then that is one requirement you need not worry about.


Why would Melody or anyone on this forum know the requirements for gaining attendance to a particular academy?  Your teacher would know better than your parents would. This does not mean your teacher would be forthcoming about it. Education is highly politicized and room must be made to accommodate the disadvantaged, no matter how poor his or her academic skills are. That means someone who is much more qualified will not get in –you may very well be that someone.  This is probably why your teacher said grades do not count.  They do. They just are not the whole story.


Aside from the “free passes,” these academies look at more than just grades. They look for tenacity, focus, self-discipline, and a willingness to learn complex subjects from a broad range of teaching styles and personalities. It’s not easy to assess these traits in young students.  Common denominators for these traits are high marks in a broad range of subjects in the arts and sciences. 


One more comment:

It is very unlikely a 7th grade student wrote the above comments. The writing suggests an education level of a high school sophomore with the experience and awareness of a mature adult who is concerned about her marginally gifted child that just completed grade seven. 


It’s great you care about the education of your child, but if you were above board –that is, honest, you would have received a different answer.    

3 Jun 2017