
यूजर का नामMelody
सवाल 900
जवाब 33647

Melody  11 Feb 2022


To do this the long way would take forever. you need to use a binomial expansion. do you know what that is?

If this is a serious question then you are getting too old to put a question out like this.
In any adult forum you would be expected to demonstrate what you know, or why you are stuck, etc
I am happy to help you but i want it to be an interactive learning experience.

what is your problem, why can't you do this?


I didnt know how to do it i think thats why i asked. You dont have to be SO mean.

[size=150]I am sorry Ayee, I didn't mean to sound so blunt. [/size]

If you want to expand ( a + b ) 5
this is you it would be done

5C0*a 0*b 5 + 5C1*a 1*b 4 + 5C2*a 2*b 3 + 5C3*a 3*b 2 + 5C4*a 4*b 1 + 5C5*a 5*b 0

Please notice that the power on the a plus the power on the b adds up to 5 for every term. Do you see what I mean?
Now, there is a nCr button on your calculator so is you want 5C3 you press 5 nCr 3 = and the answer is 10 - Make sure you can do that on your calculator.
Also, a 0 = 1, b 0=1, a 1=a and b 1=b so you can simplify all those bits, so now we have.
And, 5C0=1 and 5C5=1

So now we have
1*1*b 5 + 5*a 1*b 4 + 10*a 2*b 3 + 10*a 3*b 2 + 5*a 4*b 1 + 1*a 5*1

= b 5 + 5*a*b 4 + 10*a 2*b 3 + 10*a 3*b 2 + 5*a 4*b + a 5

Now, your question is not (a+b) 5 It is (s+4v) 5

So everywhere that there was an 'a', you can put 's'
and everywhere there was a 'b', you can put (4v).

=(4v) 5 + 5*s*(4v) 4 + 10*s 2*(4v) 3 + 10*s 3*(4v) 2 + 5*s 4*(4v) + s 5

= 4 5v 5 + 5*s*4 4v 4 + 10*s 2*4 3v 3 + 10*s 3*4 2v 2 + 5*s 4*4v + s 5

= 4 5v 5 + 5*s*256*v 4 + 10*s 2*64*v 3 + 10*s 3*16*v 2 + 5*s 4*4v + s 5

= 4 5v 5 + 1280*s*v 4 + 640*s 2*v 3 + 160*s 3*v 2 + 20*s 4*v + s 5

And, assuming that I didn't make any mistakes, that is your answer. It looks horrible but it is not too bad when you get used to it.

Now, if this is all totally alian to you, you could do it this way.

answer1*(s+4v) = answer2
answer2*(s+4v) = answer3
answer3*(s+4v) = answer4

and answer 4 IS (s+4v) 5
You CAN do it this way, it just takes a little longer

[size=150]Now Ayee, am I forgiven, I really am sorry that i upset you[/size].
24 Jan 2014