
यूजर का नामMelody
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Melody  11 Feb 2022
hi everybody,
Some great answers were posted today by reinout-g, I like Serena, mathsabi, superman Seth Rocks, Kingcong,Walt, Kitty<3, Puzzled, guest and The dumb guy, (i think that i will just refer to you as The Guy in future, unless you don't want me too ) The quality of your answers is consistantly high. I am thrilled.
Thanks guys

I started this Forum rolling almost exactly 4 months ago, until that time, very few people posted questions and most of those were not answered. The forum has grown enormously since then. Up until today i have always checked every single answer. This is no longer necessary, your answers are great, and soon it won't even be possible. So I will no longer be doing this with such diligence.

Also I am very pleased that we now have at least 3 people who are capable of answering questions that are beyond my capabilities.
These members are DavidQD, I like Serena and Reinout-g. I am really pleased that you have joined us. Actually I am very aware that many of you others are extremely bright young people, so in a couple of years or less, many of you will also surpass me in ability. I will be very proud of you and pleased that i have contributed in some small way to your education!

Reinout-g, I examined your complex number solution and am pleased that I did make sense of it. Thankyou very much for that. I really appreciated it.

Now we have Jedithious back. With Jedithious and Puzzled and Walt and reinout-g and The Guy (and maybe I like Serena and myself) all here, the Puzzle posts should be given a kick along.
I think perhaps all these members solved puzzles in the last couple of days. Jedithious posted some of them! I will give the puzzle posts some attention tomorrow. I didn't have time today, sorry.
If you solve a puzzle it would be good if you could give other members some idea to your thought processes that you had. If this is too difficult or you don't know what i mean, i will try to do it for you. If you watch me you will get a better idea of what i mean. People can learn a real lot about numbers if they learn how puzzles are done.
Puzzled did this beautifully today with a puzzle that Jedithious had posted.

Anybody would think I was writing an essay!
I'll go now, good night.
28 Jan 2014

Dear All,

Please help to check my answer below :

Question :

MC = Q/(6Q2-7)5

Determine the Total Cost if the Fixed Cost is $40

Answer :

TC = ∫ MC dQ YES
= ∫ Q/(6Q2-7)5 dQ YES
= ∫ Q/(7776Q10-45360Q8+105840Q6-123480Q4+72030Q2-16807) dQ NO
= ∫ Q/(706.91Q11-5040Q9+15120Q7-24696Q5+24010Q3-16807Q NO

I don't know the next step, please help me..

Thank you.

Sorry guest ( you really need a name )
This one is completely different from the last one because the complicated stuff is on the bottom. You can't separate them into individual terms so you have to look for hints on how else it could be done.
I'm trying to think how to explain it ummm.

TC = ∫ MC dQ
TC = ∫ Q/(6Q 2-7) 5 dQ
TC = ∫ Q(6Q 2-7) -5 dQ

Do you understand what I just did? If i swap a term from one side of the fraction line to the other I have to change the power from + to - or vise versa.

Now, I have noticed that if I differentiate the stuff inside the bracket i get 12Q. (And Q is out the front of the bracket) This is the helpful fact that I am going to use.
That is: d/dQ [ 6Q 2-7 ] = 12Q

This means that the answer will have (6Q 2-7) -5+1 = > (6Q 2-7) -4 in it.
Now, other people may well have a more straight forward method than me but now I look at that last expression and see what happens if I differentiate it
d/dQ (6Q 2-7) -4
= -4(6Q 2-7) -4 ) -5 * 12Q
= -48Q(6Q 2-7) -4 ) -5

so if I divide everything by -48 the answer will be what I want.
That is

d/dQ [1/-48](6Q 2-7) -4
=[1/-48]* -4(6Q 2-7) -4 ) -5 * 12Q
=[1/-48]* -48Q(6Q 2-7) -4 ) -5
= Q(6Q 2-7) -4 ) -5
This is exactly what you wanted.

TC = ∫ Q(6Q 2-7) -5 dQ
TC = [1/-48](6Q 2-7) -4 + k (where k is a constant)
TC = [1/-48](6Q 2-7) -4 + k
TC = - (6Q 2-7) -4 / 48 + k

Now it is time to look at this statement
Determine the Total Cost if the Fixed Cost is $40
This means that if the quantity is 0 the Total cost will be $40
(You have to spend $40 before you start producing anything.)
Substitute TC=40, Q=0 to find k
40 = 0 + k
so k = 40
The answer is
TC = - [(6Q 2-7) -4 / 48] + 40

I hope you understand
28 Jan 2014