
यूजर का नामMelody
सवाल 900
जवाब 33647

Melody  11 Feb 2022
30 Jan 2014
I believe that is it for the night. I have not checked every question, if you are not happy with your reply bump your question up with a comment about why you are doing so.

Great answers were given by guest, reinout-g, halper, I like Serena, Anonymous4338, Zamaronics, DavidQD, Rom and Kitty<3.
Rom only became a member today. We hope you enjoy your experience with us.

Reinout-g posted 2 really good puzzles. One he called Logic's puzzle. It had me stumped but a great answer came from theiswe.
reinout-g has also posted a new number puzzle. I normally do these very easily but this one appears to me to be very difficult.

Please join up if you haven't done so already
I know that some people, even some core people are not formally members.
There are some big benefits to joining up.
1) It is a little easier to make a post.
2) Once you have made a post you can edit it if you are a member. I edit my post all the time. I would hate not to be able to do that.
3) You can also delete your post so long as no-one has answered you yet.
4) No-one else can use your username
5) You can send private messages to other people and make real friends. I know that I have

Thanks reinout-g for your calcuator tips. I haven't really looked at them yet but I will.

SUP button
I really want people to learn to use the 'sup' button instead of the ^ . It makes it so much easier to read.
If you are answering a question where this is applicable could you please give a short lesson on how to use the sup button and tell them it is located just above the smilies.

Thanks everyone.
30 Jan 2014